This is a low maintenance eco friendly yard.
The main feature is a Rain Water Harvesting system that captures and filters 800 gallons of runoff from the roof. The feature overflows into a rain garden planting area that provides additional filtration prior to excess water running into the public storm water system. In addition with a booster pump we are able to utilze drip irrigation to water the landscape plantings during times of little or no rain.
On the left side of the house we have installed a traditional rain garden by directing the downspout into a landscapes area as well. This yard is also certified by the National Wildlife Foundation as a wildlife habitat.
Premium Aquascapes is owned by Pieter van Westervelt, a nationally recognized Certified Aquascape Contractor with over 25 years experience in designing, creating and maintaining water features.
Before & After Flower Close-ups Front Yard Garden Lighting Water Feature Water-Wise Waterfall
Comments / Questions
I would like to see the process and procedure how you were able to accomplish this water saving garden. Future pictures would be nice to see when all the plants has matured.
Check our website for listings of events that we host. We will be holding Build A Pond/Pondless events next year throughout our area. We also present seminars at home & garden shows as well as garden club events.
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