1 of 30: Filming the last scenes
3 of 30: The BEFORE Photo
4 of 30: The crew has began working to transform a nothing yard into paradise.
5 of 30: The building of the front porch
6 of 30: The building of the pondless waterfall has begun
7 of 30: Filming of the driveway installation
8 of 30: The making of the pondless waterfall
9 of 30: The installation of the sub-surface driup irrigation system for grass.
10 of 30: installing the basin for the pondless waterfall
11 of 30: Subsurface drip irrigation is installed for the future grass
12 of 30: the liner is laid for the waterfall
13 of 30: The planting has begun.
14 of 30: Tamping the driveway for rubber installation
15 of 30: building of the waterfall
16 of 30: Installing the recycled tire driveway
17 of 30: The finished garden
18 of 30: The native garden surrounds a fountain
19 of 30: Native garden with a Rain garden
20 of 30: The waterfall and planting is stunning
21 of 30: Native plants look great together.
22 of 30: A view of paradise
23 of 30: The planted waterfall is all done
24 of 30: Broken concrete was reused for the front walk way
25 of 30: the finished waterfall is all planted
26 of 30: Grass surrounds this garden paradise
27 of 30: The completed garden
28 of 30: Rain garden complements the native garden to the left
29 of 30: A nice balance of grass and native plants
30 of 30: The finished landscape
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