My edible landscaping
I have 0.8 acres in central Oklahoma in an HOA community. I want to change my current landscaping to edible plants.
Back Yard Fence Flower Close-ups Front Yard Garden Large (5,000 - 10,000 sq ft.) Lawn Organic Garden Pond Side Yard Step by Step Project Very Large (10,000 sq ft - Half Acre) Waterfall
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Ron, that is dwarf cattail ... it's nice, although you have to cut it back and thin it in the winter or it tries to take over the pond. ;)
I love your cat tails and your lavender great touch. I live right outside New Orleans and I also have a pond and I think they would look great in it. Patty very nice. Look at my pond and yard I need some ideas for the yard.
So far, so good!
I'm also in central Oklahoma--Been wanting to add edible ornamentals to my yard. Thanks for showing it can work!!
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