Paradise on the Mountain
My gardens are mostly perennials, with a mixture of annuals and some decorative planters. I have many plans for more gardens & arrangements, I just need more time & energy. Our home & yard is on the sloped side of a mountain & the soil is very hard & tends to have a lot of rocks in it, making any start to a new gardenscape very time consuming. Which is also why I like to do decorator pot plantings.
Back Yard Flower Close-ups Front Yard Garden General Garden Large (5,000 - 10,000 sq ft.) Side Yard Stone / Rock
1 of 24: Painted Daisys & a small Hosta garden in the background w/Red Japanese Maple for some color.
2 of 24: Late November in the Endless Mt.s of PA. My large perennial garden to the left of the driveway & another small garden under a beech tree which contains climatis, blackeyed susans, peonys, a varagated hosta & a barberry bush.
3 of 24: A small garden which hides our ugly well casing -beneath the giant blue hosta- This is early spring, but comes alive with the blooms of the Blackeyed Susans & a hanging basket on a hook.
4 of 24: One single Hen that I planted on my stonewall, turned into 'many'. Thinking it needed a little color, I added a piece of sedum-which also ended up loving it there!
5 of 24: One of many of my planters- containing a black and a green sweet potatoe vine, a colius, Alyssum and cranesbill.
6 of 24: My Hayrack- white & pink million bells with Alyssum, Colius, bergundy Pansys and Artemisia/Silver Brocade
8 of 24: Just planted this week so it hasn't had a chance to fill in but I think the colors will really be awesome once they all gets some growth. Huechera-coralbell, an african daisy, cranesbill-black beauty and annual pink
13 of 24: antique chair with an array of annuals & perennials- blanketflower/galardia, hen & chick, bluechip campanula, pink, and white petunia's
14 of 24: my little hosta garden which covers a steep but short bank. In the center is a Red Japanese Maple and to the right of that is a small cluster of Black-eyed susans. A very pretty sight when the flowers are in bloom.
15 of 24: my old boots filled with hens & chicks & a little red sedum. Friends always rave about this boot. :)
16 of 24: My old wheelbarrow which sits down by the road, filled with all annuals: white impatiens, maragolds assorted colored Colius and a maragold or two.
17 of 24: My old wheelbarrow which sits down by the road, filled with all annuals: white impatiens, maragolds assorted colored Colius and a maragold or two.
20 of 24: reflection from our pond that I have started to plant things around. All green in the pic, but lavender iris, white daisys, blackeyed susans and there is a pink water lily in there too.
Comments / Questions
You've done an incredible job! All of you hard work shows. Love that pond too. Thanks for sharing!
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